

DK Bartley

Vladimir Simonko

Adam Long

Agnė Jonaitytė-Karalienė

Cecilia Brinck

Colin Ratushniak

David Catterall DL

Donatas Paulauskas

Erica Jennings

Gemma Pinyol-Jiménez

Henk Nijmeijer

Inge Alexander Gjestvang

Jessica Stern

Jurgita Kuprytė

Karolis Žibas

Kaspars Zalitis

Marius Zelenius

Marianne Borgen

Peo Hansen

Remigijus Šimašius

Rugilė Trumpytė

Vaida Kaikarienė

Vestina Adamonienė

Yolande Ditewig
Registration and coffee
Opening of the Conference with Erica Jennings
Welcome speeches:
- Remigijus Šimašius, Vilnius City Mayor
- Ole Terje Horpestad, Ambassador of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Vilnius
- Rugilė Trumpytė, Lithuanian Diversity Charter and Vladimir Simonko, LGL
Panel I: Equality, Diversity, Inclusion: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities
We will open the conference by discussing how cities ensure diversity and equal opportunities for all. We will learn how the principles of equality have materialized in different towns and cities in Europe and Canada and what is still to be achieved.
Moderator: Adam Long, National LGBT Federation in IrelandAttendance:
- Colin Ratushniak, Mayor of La Ronge, Canada
- Cecilia Brinck, President of Stockholm City Council, Sweden
- Marianne Borgen, Mayor of Oslo, Norway
- Remigijus Šimašius, Vilnius City mayor, Lithuania
- Jessica Stern, U.S. special envoy to advance the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons
Coffee and Snack Break
Welcome back and musical performance with Erica Jennings
Panel II: How to achieve sustainable impact in organisations? (Language - Lithuanian)
More and more companies commit to ensure diversity and inclusion at work, communicate about their social accountability and the wellbeing of employees. In this panel, we will ask what exactly companies do to create safe, open, and friendly environment for all and how do they know if those goals were achieved.
Moderator: Rugilė Trumpytė, Lithuanian Diversity CharterAttendance:
- Donatas Paulauskas, Ignitis Group
- Vaida Kaikarienė, RIMI Lietuva
- Marius Zelenius, Lithuanian airports
- Agnė Jonaitytė - Karalienė, Swedbank Lithuania
- Jurgita Kuprytė, SOPA
Panel III: The Value and Potential of Migration, Refugee Integration and Diversity
The panel will look at how migration and refugee integration contribute to welcoming cities and local communities. Panellists will share Swedish experiences of welcoming refugees in 2015- 2016 and how refugee reception created new opportunities for municipalities. Panellists will also discuss how innovative intercultural tools may ensure inclusive local communities, and how to respond to unprecedented numbers of displaced people and the urgent need for more resettlement.
Moderator: Karolis Žibas, UNHCRAttendants:
- Peo Hansen, Linköping University, Sweden
- Gemma Pinyol-Jiménez, The Council of Europe
- Yolande Ditewig, UNHCR
Coffee Break
Panel IV: Proud Cities: From Struggle to Success Story. LGBTI Equality as a Pivotal Point for Diversity Mainstreaming
In this panel, we will speak about the necessity to include the LGBTQ community in social and political life and give an overview of the current situation on national and municipal level. We will also ask how business and political leaders may ensure equality of LGBTQ persons and what role they play.
Moderator: Kaspars Zalitis, Deep White, LatviaAttendants:
- DK Bartley, Moody's
- Inge Alexander Gjestvang, FRI association
- David Catterall DL, representative of Greater Manchester
- Henk Nijmeijer, Drenthe Regional Parliament
- Vestina Adamonienė, Accenture Baltics
Closing the conference
Main partners